le società dell’informazione (commerciale)

Le società di informazioni commerciali cominciano a scocciare seriamente, specialmente quelle che ricorrono a patetici sotterfugi per “estorcere” dati aziendali da rivendersi.
Oggi chiama un tizio con accento toscano spacciandosi per un dipendente di MPS, chiede su quale conto deve girare un rimborso di una fantomatica tassa di concessione governativa, la (sua) fortuna vuole che noi si abbia rapporti con questa banca e quindi gli si risponde, poi però chiede quanti dipendenti ha l’azienda (?)… gli si risponde faccia 50 e 50, diciamo 100… saluta, ha capito, evidentemente…
Ma perchè non si decidono a pagare pure loro per le informazioni? Se pagassero per il tempo speso si potrebbe anche dire la verità invece della supercazzola 🙂

Google ritira le “video units”

Ancora non ho capito se la pubblicit?? nei video funziona, quella in formato video viene invece ritirata dalla grande gi.

Riporto di seguito la mail con cui si avvisano gli utilizzatori di questo formato AdSense.

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Google AdSense <adsense-noreply@google.com>

Subject: AdSense video units to be retired


We're writing to let you know that we'll be retiring AdSense video units at the end of April. After reviewing this feature, we've found that it hasn't been performing as well as we had hoped, so we've decided to focus our efforts on other opportunities to help publishers monetize their sites.

We recommend that you begin removing the video unit code from your pages as soon as possible, to ensure that you can take advantage of the available ad space on your pages. At the end of April, any remaining Leaderboard or Skyscraper video units will begin directing users to YouTube.com, while other video unit sizes will automatically be changed to standard embedded YouTube players. These standard video players will display top YouTube videos, but you won't generate earnings from them once this change occurs.

If you'd still like to display free video content from YouTube, you can do so through YouTube.com directly: visit any specific video page for the embed code, or sign in to your YouTube account to create a playlist. For more information about embedding YouTube videos, please visit http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/answer.py?answer=57788. Alternatively, if you have less than three ad units on your page, you may prefer to replace your video unit with a regular ad unit.

Although video units are being retired, other video offerings within AdSense aren't affected. Video ads may still appear on your pages and AdSense for video is still available for eligible publishers. If you'd like more information about the retiring of video units, please visit our Help Center at https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/topic.py?topic=12182.

Thanks for your support of video units in the past, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation.


The Google AdSense Team