Leggo su Lost Laowai che tutte le conversazioni di testo che passano da Skype versione Cinese, vengono intercettate e registrate.
Nulla di nuovo, la censura digitale cinese ?? ben nota, per?? la difesa di Skype apparsa sul blog aziendale a firma del Presidente Josh Silverman appare deboluccia.
La solita solfa del si sa come vanno le cose in Cina e se vuoi accedere allo sterminato mercato oltre muraglia rispetti le regole oppure ciccia:
It is common knowledge that censorship does exist in China and that theChinese government has been monitoring communications in and out of thecountry for many years. This, in fact, is true for all forms ofcommunication such as emails, fixed and mobile phone calls, and instantmessaging between people within China and between China and othercountries. TOM, like every other communications service provideroperating in China, has an obligation to be compliant if they are to beable to operate in China at all.
Per?? un avviso agli utilizzatori va sempre fatto, e non generico come quello che riporta Josh:
In April 2006, Skype publicly disclosed that TOM operated a text filterthat blocked certain words in chat messages, and it also said that ifthe message is found unsuitable for displaying, it is simply discardedand not displayed or transmitted anywhere. It was our understandingthat it was not TOM's protocol to upload and store chat messages withcertain keywords, and we are now inquiring with TOM to find out why theprotocol changed.